Thursday 5 May 2011

Ignorance is your new best friend...

Good morning unicorn lovers and troll eaters,

I find myself sitting at work, already dreading the escapades which will happen during the course of the day. It's raining outside, it's colder than a dog's nose, and all I want is my warm bed. Anyway, now time for my rant...

Metrorail, the South African transport/train system, who from henceforth shall be referred to as MetroFail, are a bunch of complete tossers. Yesterday the train was late, it's been late or cancelled every day these last few weeks, and that means that in a coach where only about 100 people are supposed to fit, there was now 200+ crammed into it. I found myself a nice corner near a door and was content to stay there (with an open window to breathe). All was well until we hit Salt River Station. There must have been a seafood buffet because the doors opened and about 9 women, all fairly large, decided to get into the coach, followed by a reeking smell of squid and other non-delicacies. It was like trying to squeeze 9 whales into a sardine tin. I've never seen so many bodies bounce and wiggle, it was as if their skin was doing the Mexican wave, all together. I have nothing against large women, I like some curves myself, but having them get on that crowded train already was more than I could handle. One of them held their handbag under my nose and all I could smell was fish. I'm sure it was alive and more than likely screaming for mercy for it knew what fate had in store for it. Anyhow, reaching my station I made my move and squeezed to the exit, and with some necessary shoving and really unnecessary cropdusting, I found myself at the door, only to be pushed back in by an entourage of really dumb people trying to get in the train. I lost it and shoved back, making my exit behind curses and a little fish fighting for his life. Wait for the people to get off the train before getting on, you morons. Ah, the beauty of stupidity.

Theme song for the day: Paramore - Ignorance.

I'm craving a poker game, I have itchy fingers to win. Hmm, which makes me think - If you have an itchy finger and an itchy nose at the same time, which do you scratch first? And if you scratch your nose with your finger, will that alleviate both itches at the same time?

Well, that's it from my side. Back to the mines to work in the dark.

Later daze,


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Just to make it through...

Good morning Rockstars,

After a long absence from the blogging world (in which nothing particularly interesting has happened in my life), I have returned for a reunion tour. And most of you, wait, maybe all of you, have no idea who I am. And by the amount of followers I have, no one cares as well. Excellent, well I'll begin anyway.

This morning in an over-crowded and sweat-filled train, I was listening to my music and thinking about what the day would bring, whether I should buy the guy next to me some deodorant and whether I should ask the lady sitting in front of me to stop bending down so far and flashing everyone standing her entire braless boob. I decided against both, and as much as I tried to avoid looking, I couldn't help myself. It was like a radar beacon, sending out subliminal messages to the men standing around. Damn you women and your evil powers!

So, back to the train ride - a song came on my mp3 player and it forced me to smile for some unknown reason. And now I've decided that every day I'm going to choose a theme song for myself to help get through the day, and now I'm sharing it with you, if you haven't already guessed it by the subject line:

Theme song for the day:  The All American Rejects - Move Along

Almost all of my friends have been stressed to their limit the past few weeks and I don't know about them, but it's taking a heavy toll on me. So the just of the theme song for today is that no matter how down or stressed out you get, there is always something better waiting at the end of that dark tunnel and you'll eventually get your rewards. And remember that your friends are there to help you along the way...or to help bury the body when you get home with your boss lying in the trunk.

That's it for today. I still can't get that boob image out of my head. I'm going to have to rectify that later. For those with lovers, I hope you and yours have a fantastic day together. For those without, I hope by the end of the day you find one and push them into a deserted bathroom and have your nasty way with them.

Later daze,
